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Title: Temperament:Astrology's Forgotten Key
Author: Dorian Gieseler Greenbaum
Publisher: The Wessex Astrologer Ltd

--- Contents ---
Preface .
Introduction .
Part 1. Theory & History of Temperament 1
Part 2. Temperament Theory Applied: The Waldorf Study 57
Part 3. Using Temperament in Modern Astrological Practice 73
Appendix A - Determining Temperament Etc. Through the Ages 141
Appendix B - Robert Burton and 'The Anatomy of Melancholy' 150
Appendix C - Ramon Lull's Descriptions of Temperament 154
Appendix D - Nicholas Culpeper's Descriptions of Temperament 157
Appendix E - Poems on Temperament 159
Appendix F - Culpeper's Compound Temperaments 160
Appendix G - Roy Wilkinson's Temperament Charts 163
Appendix H - Birthcharts of the Children used in the Waldorf Study 165
Appendix I - Names, Temperaments and Temperament Factors 201

--- Figures ---
1. Seasons correlated with qualities and elements 4
2. Schoener's Qualities, Elements, Seasons, Planets, Humors 4
3. One example of how Aristotle's theory of the elements works 11
4. Ramon Lull's System of Elements and Qualities 29
5. Jungian Functions 47
6. Functions Correlated with Qualities 48
7. Steiner's Circle of Temperaments 52
8. Child's Temperament Diagram 55
9. Anschutz's Greek Humors Diagram 55
10. Qualities of the Planets (A Possible Schema) 78
11. Ptolemy's Moon Phases 81
12. Lilly's Moon Phases 82
13. Lilly's Worked Temperament Example 90

--- Tables ---
1. Ptolemy's Assignment of Qualities (Tetrabiblos, Book I) 19
2. The Nature of Signs According to Abu Mashar 24
3. The Nature of Planets According to Abu Mashar 24
4. The Qualities of the Signs According to Al Biruni 25
5. The Nature of the Planets According to Al Biruni 26
6. Qualities of the Planets, by phase (Garcaeus) 37
7. Qualities of the Moon, by phase (Garcaeus) 37
8. Qualities of the Sun, by phase (Garcaeus) 37
9. Marc Edmund Jones's Temperament System 49
10. Steiner's correlation of body and temperament 51
11. Child's Mottoes, Theme Tunes and Temperaments 54
12. Temperament Matches by Individual Factors (counting compound temperaments equally) 65
13. Temperament Matches by ASC sign, Moon sign, ASC ruler, ASC almuten, Moon ruler, Season 66
14. Temperament Matches by ASC sign, Moon sign and Season 66
15. Qualities of the Sun by Season and Sign 80
16. Analysis of Temperament in the Natal Chart 88
How to Recognize the Temperaments .......Appendix G 163
Reactions of Children to various situations according to Temperament .......Appendix G 164
The Golden Rules for treating Children according to Temperament .......Appendix G 164
Names, Temperaments and Temperament Factors .......Appendix I 201

--- Notable Charts ---
Allen, Woody 119
Astaire, Fred 112
Blair, Tony 96
Branagh, Kenneth 128
Burton, Robert 153
Bush, George W. 92
Christie, Agatha 121
Cleese, John 107
Da Vinci, Leonardo 124
Ficino, Marsilio 34
Frank, Anne 110
Harrison, George 102
Jung, Carl Gustav 45
Limbaugh, Rush 126
Lindbergh, Charles 117
Margaret, Princess of England 115
McCartney, Paul 136
de Saint-Exupery, Antoine 105
Schopenhauer, Arthur 131
Simon, Paul(singer) 99
Steiner, Rudolf 50


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