Star Media

Title: Classical Scientific Astrology
Author: George C. Noonan(19XX- )
Publisher: American Federation of Astrologers Inc.

--- Contents ---
Introduction v
Chapter I. Historical Perspective 1
.......What Astrology Is and Is Not 1
.......Early Beginnings 2
.......Greek Astrology 5
.......Roman and Early Christian Influences 12
.......The Islamic Contribution 15
.......The Renaissance and Astrology's Glory 18
.......Astrology as a Pseudo-Science 24
.......The Resurgence of Scientific Astrology 27
Chapter II. Genethliacal Astrology 31
.......The Branches of Astrology 31
.......The Astronomical Basis for Astrology 32
.......The Tools of Astrology 37
.......The Loci 39
.......The Meanings of the Loci 41
.......Astrological Terminology 45
.......Chart Construction 47
Chapter III. The Signs 53
.......The Aristotelian Basis for Astrology 53
.......The Triplicities 57
.......The Sects 60
.......The Quadruplicities 61
.......The Decanates 63
.......The Nature of the Signs 64
.......Some Peripheral Descriptions of the Signs 81
.......Places Indicated by the Signs 83
.......Parts of the Body and Diseases Indicated by the Signs 85
.......Flora and Fauna Indicated by the Signs 88
.......The Years of the Signs 89
.......The Meanings of the Degrees of the Signs 89
Chapter IV. The Planets 95
.......The Nature of the Planets 95
.......The Domiciles of the Planets 104
.......Face and Sect 108
.......Debilities and Exaltations 109
.......Rulers of the Triplicities 111
.......Friendship and Enmity of the Planets 112
.......Rulership of the Decans 113
.......The Terms 115
.......Rulership of a Point in a Chart 116
.......Theory of the Years of the Planets and Signs 119
.......The Nodes 125
.......The Trans-Saturnian planets 126
Chapter V. The Aspects 129
.......The Classical Theory of Aspects 129
.......The Power of the Aspects 134
.......The Apparent Velocity and Accleration of the Planets 137
.......Application and Separation of Aspects 139
.......Orientality and Occidentality of the Planets 142
.......The Planets' Power as Regards to Loci 151
.......Other Significant Planetary Relationships 154
.......Completion of the Aspect 156
.......Modern Aspects 158
.......Review of the Theory of Planetary Power 160
Appendix A. Time 163
Appendix B. Classical Loci Division 168
Bibliography 185


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